Publications (16) JORGE FELIX DIAZ CINTAS publications


  1. Changing Horizons in Audiovisual Translation: ‘We Are Becoming More Aware of the Power and Impact of Language’

    Vertimo Studijos

  2. Integrating post-editing into the subtitling classroom: what do subtitlers-to-be think?

    Woman in Russian Society, Vol. 22, pp. 115-137

  3. Integrating post-editing into the subtitling classroom: what do subtitlers-to-be think?

    Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, Vol. 22, pp. 115-137

  4. Introduction Audiovisual translation in context

    Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, Vol. 9, Núm. 3, pp. 289-297

  5. Role Reversal: An Overview of Audiovisual Translation into English

    Íkala, Vol. 28, Núm. 2


    Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, Second Edition (Taylor and Francis), pp. 738-749


  1. Audiovisual translation in the foreign language classroom. Introduction

    LFE: Revista de lenguas para fines específicos, Vol. 28, Núm. 2, pp. 10-15

  2. Fansubs: Tradução Audiovisual em um Ambiente Amador

    Cadernos de tradução, Vol. 42, Núm. 1

  3. Going global against the tide The translation of Chinese audiovisual productions

    Babel, Vol. 68, Núm. 1, pp. 1-23

  4. The riches of hands-on subtitling in the foreign language classroom

    LFE: Revista de lenguas para fines específicos, Vol. 28, Núm. 2, pp. 32-47


  1. Latest advancements in audiovisual translation education

    Interpreter and Translator Trainer

  2. Quality is in the eye of the stakeholders: what do professional subtitlers and viewers think about subtitling?

    Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 20, Núm. 4, pp. 661-675

  3. Subtitlers on the Cloud : the Use of Professional Web-based Systems in Subtitling Practice and Training

    Revista tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, Núm. 19, pp. 1-21

  4. Subtitling: concepts and practices

    Routledge Reino Unido