Etapas para llevar a cabo una autoevaluación de la calidad en servicios universitarios

  1. Tarí, Juan José
  2. Juana Espinosa, Susana de
Alta dirección

ISSN: 0002-6549

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Urtea: 46

Zenbakia: 275-276

Orrialdeak: 11-17

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Alta dirección


The object of this article is to point out the stages that a university service should go through to carry out a process of auto-evaluation (according to the European Foundation of Quality Management - EFQM). The work is based on the experience of seven administration services in a Spanish university. The object of this is to help other people in charge of university services (and also other public institutions) to establish and carry out these type of processes.