Publications (101) MANUEL MARTINEZ ESCANDELL publications
Binder migration: Frequently observed yet overlooked phenomena in electrode processing for lithium-ion batteries
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 83
Exceptional performance of Fe@carbon-rich nanoparticles prepared via hydrothermal carbonization of oil mill wastes for H2S removal
Chemosphere, Vol. 358
Activated carbons with high micropore volume obtained from polyurethane foams for enhanced CO2 adsorption
Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 273
Enhanced CO2 capture by cupuassu shell-derived activated carbon with high microporous volume
Carbon Letters, Vol. 33, Núm. 3, pp. 727-735
Improved thermal management in HKUST-1 composites upon graphite flakes incorporation: Hydrogen adsorption properties
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 48, Núm. 93, pp. 36474-36484
Activated carbon from polyurethane residues as molecular sieves for kinetic adsorption/separation of CO2/CH4
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 652
Activated carbon materials with a rich surface chemistry prepared from L-cysteine amino acid
Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 558
Carbon-based monoliths with improved thermal and mechanical properties for methane storage
Fuel, Vol. 324
Effect of Porosity and Surface Chemistry on CO2 and CH4 Adsorption in S-Doped and S-/O-co-Doped Porous Carbons
C-Journal of Carbon Research, Vol. 8, Núm. 3
INTERMAT XI (red de investigación INTERdisciplinar en MATeriales)
Memorias del Programa de Redes de investigación en docencia universitaria: Convocatoria 2021-22 (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), pp. 589-605
Rapid and efficient hydrogen clathrate hydrate formation in confined nanospace
Nature communications, Vol. 13, Núm. 1, pp. 5953
Role of KCl in activation mechanisms of KOH-chemically activated high surface area carbons
Journal of CO2 Utilization, Vol. 66
CO2 Adsorption in Activated Carbon Materials
Engineering Materials (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 139-152
INTERMAT X (red deinvestigación INTERdisciplinar en MATeriales X)
Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria: Convocatoria 2020-21 (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), pp. 865-884
The scientific impact of Francisco Rodríguez-Reinoso in carbon research and beyond
Carbon, Vol. 179, pp. 275-287
Effect of additives in the nucleation and growth of methane hydrates confined in a high-surface area activated carbon material
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 388
Freezing/melting of water in the confined nanospace of carbon materials: Effect of an external stimulus
Carbon, Vol. 158, pp. 346-355
Intermat IX (red de investigación interdisciplinar en materiales)
Memòries del Programa de Xarxes-I3CE de qualitat, innovació i investigació en docència universitària: Convocatòria 2019-20 (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), pp. 585-592
Preparation of Porous Carbons from Petroleum Pitch and Polyaniline by Thermal Treatment for Methane Storage
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 59, Núm. 13, pp. 5775-5785
Well-defined meso/macroporous materials as a host structure for methane hydrate formation: Organic versus carbon xerogels
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 402