Los modelos 3D de rastros y huellas de fauna como propuesta de innovación docente en Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria

  1. Belda, Antonio
  2. Fenollar Pavón, Sara
  3. Jordán-Núñez, Jorge
  4. Micó-Vicent, Bàrbara
  5. López-Rodríguez, Daniel

ISSN: 1888-9441

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 16

Pages: 76-85

Type: Article

More publications in: Isurus


The use of a collection of 3D models of tracks, footprints and signs of different groups of animals has been used in order to improve the process of study and identification of living organisms, which is part of the contents of the corresponding laboratory practices. in the subject of Biology within the subjects “Disciplinary Training Complements in Biology and Geology (12002)” of the Master’s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teaching, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, and Scientific Education for Early Childhood Education (17017 ) and primary (17558) of the Faculty of Education, which are taught at the University of Alicante. Thus, the use of biological collections is a didactic and accessible resource, which allows interaction between students-students and students-teachers, thanks to the fact that the manipulation of the specimens allows the learning process to be implemented.

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