El Burka en las aulas universitarias. Cuestiones jurídicas conflictivas para un debate con perspectiva de género

  1. Torres Díaz, María Concepción 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05t8bcz72

iQual: revista de género e igualdad

ISSN: 2603-851X

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakia: 6

Orrialdeak: 118-147

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.6018/IQUAL.536211 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: iQual: revista de género e igualdad

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


The increasing presence of Muslim women in higher education centers in Spain (and, in countries around our European environment), generated - in its day before the pandemic - the debate on the possibility and feasibility of approving regulations or codes of clothing within the Public Universities. The purpose was none other than to prevent garments such as the burka or the niqab, which prevent and/or hinder the identification of university students in theclassroom and, specifically, the identification of female students because they are the bearers of this type of clothing, affect the normal development of academic institutions. Obviously, the query was extended, for reasons not only of identification, but also of security, to any type of garment or clothing that completely covered the face and/or head of its wearers. The current situation in many countries - after the more or less normalized return to attendance in postpandemic classrooms - has reopened the debate. Especially taking into account the imposition of the burqa on women in public spaces in countries such as Afghanistan as a result of an excessively restrictive interpretation of religious and/or cultural traditions whose burden - for purposes of observance - falls on women and, specifically, on the body of women. Saving the distances with the particular situation of Afghanistan, the debate emerges in the currentEuropean context on the need or opportunity to have regulations or dress codes in university environments that allow limiting the access and/or use of university spaces to people who cannot be identified. The article investigates the normative and jurisprudential framework that affects this issue from the perspective of the gender perspective as a critical methodology in the analysis of legal discourse.

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