Area: Constitutional Law
Research group: Constitutional Studies
Personal web:
Doctor by the Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante with the thesis El sexo de la Constitución El discurso jurídico frente a la realidad socio-sexual de las mujeres. Un análisis crítico sobre las categorías "sexo" y "género" como categorías de relevancia constitucional 2021. Supervised by Dr. María del Mar Esquembre Cerdá.
María Concepción Torres Díaz is a Doctor in Law, lecturer in the area of Constitutional Law in the Department of State Legal Studies (Faculty of Law, University of Alicante). She currently works exclusively in teaching and research. Expert in Constitutional Justice, transparency and political participation, bioethics, bio-rights and bio-power, rights and information and communication technologies, AI, etc. Special mention should be made of her research and legal studies on equality and non-discrimination, normative effectiveness, anti-discrimination protection, iusfeminism and gender perspective as a legal methodology. Feminist jurist. She has been a lawyer and legal advisor, having combined, for more than fifteen years (2008-2023), her professional activity in her own office with university teaching as an associate lecturer at the University of Alicante, and as an external collaborating lecturer at the UNED-UJI. Her professional and teaching-research activity has been developed for more than twenty years (2003-present) in three main areas: (a) University teaching and research. She has an extensive teaching career at the UA (5 three-year periods, 1 five-year teaching period and 1 six-year research period) and the UNED. She is the author of numerous publications in scientific journals, book chapters, monographs, etc. She has given more than 250 lectures and conferences in national and international seminars and congresses on constitutional justice, rights and freedoms, transparency, good governance and democratic participation, equality and non-discrimination, anti-discrimination protection, gender violence, gender perspective as a legal methodology, etc. (2008-present); (b) Independent professional in the practice of law and legal advice on her own account, mainstreaming the gender perspective (2003-2023); and, (c) Scientific-legal disseminator in the general media. Contributor and legal analyst in media such as Agenda Pública, elpaí,,, IberICONnet, Tribuna Feminista, La Maleta de Portbou, CTXT, etc. (2014-present). Academic-university training: (1) Doctor in Law, Excellent CUM-LAUDE. Doctoral Programme in Law. Line of research: Gender, Power and Law. Iusfeminismo y constitucionalismo crítico (University of Alicante, 2021); (2) Certificate "with Mention" Corso di Alta Formazione in Giustizia Costituzionale e Tutela Giurisdizionale dei Diritti, Dipartamento di Giurisprudenza (University of Pisa, 2021) (Italy); (3) Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA) in the Doctoral Programme Constitution and Fundamental Rights in Europe. Grade: 10 (Excellent). Accreditation of Research Proficiency (University of Alicante, 2008); (4) Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in the Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Gender. Qualification: 10 (Outstanding) Accreditation of Research Sufficiency (University of Alicante, 2008); (5) Official Master's Degree "Extraordinary Award" in Information Society Systems and Services, specialising in Information and Communication Rights and Technologies (University of Valencia, 2010); (6) Master's Degree with "Special Mention" in Mistreatment and Gender Violence (Own Degree) (UNED, 2008); (7) Master's Degree in Bioethics (University of Murcia, 2006); (8) University Expert in New Technologies and Fundamental Rights (Postgraduate) (UNED, 2006); (9) University Expert in Criminology (Postgraduate) (UNED, 2006); (10) Diploma "with Special Mention" for "Practical Training in the Practice of Law". School of Legal Practice of the Region of Murcia (University of Murcia, 2003); (11) Degree in Law (University of Murcia, 2002).