Ausencia de efecto antiadipogénico en pez cebra de los polifenoles de extracto de hueso de aceituna

  1. Veciana Galindo, Carmen
  2. Torro Montell, Luís
  3. Sirvent Segura, Eliana
  4. Palazón-Bru, Antonio
  5. Rizo-Baeza, María Mercedes
  6. Gil-Guillén, Francisco Vicente
  7. Cortés-Castell, Ernesto
Journal of Negative and No Positive Results: JONNPR

ISSN: 2529-850X

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 1

Issue: 4

Pages: 138-141

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of Negative and No Positive Results: JONNPR

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Background and aim. Olive polyphenols have anti-inflammatory activity, prevent apoptosis by oxidative stress, promote neuroprotection and neurodevelopment, and have antiadipogenic effect in different cell models. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible antiadipogenic effect of olive polyphenols in zebrafish, measuring weight gain, cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids. Material and methods. Fertilized eggs were used and incubated in well plates with 26±1°C for 72 hours: Control group in water with dimethyl sulfoxide (0.1%); Intervention group, like the control group, but adding polyphenolic extract (concentration: 100 mg/l). After incubation we proceeded to measure body mass of dry larvae, proteins, total cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids. Results and discussion. No differences were shown between control and intervention group in all the analyzed parameters. These results were inconclusive possibly because we did not take into account that adipose tissue appears in zebrafish within 120 hours postfertilization. This opens new perspectives to study our extract, as we showed its antiadipogenic effectiveness in the differentiation of mouse fibroblasts to adipocytes. Conclusion. New studies should be performed in order to confirm or exclude the effect of olive polyphenols on lipid metabolism. These studies should take into account normal physiological conditions of the animal model chosen.

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