La adaptación de la empresa a las presiones competitivas en el ambito internacionaluna aportación empírica

  1. Claver Cortés, Enrique
  2. Quer Ramón, Diego
  3. Molina Azorín, José F.
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Ano de publicación: 2000

Título do exemplar: La internacionalización de la empresa española

Número: 333

Páxinas: 57-74

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Economía industrial


One of the cornerstones of Strategic Management centers on the adequacy of competitive strategy to the pressures exerted by the sector's environment. In the international context, these can adopt two pure forms: global efficiency and national sensitivity. In the first case, one fights for activity standardisation and integration; in the second, a competitive adaptation to each national market becomes necessary. The raison d'être for this paper is based on the empirical verification of these prescriptions, from a sample of enterprises with a high degree of commitment to undertake international operations.