Publications (67) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. A Heuristic Method to Evaluate Web Accessibility for Users with Low Vision

    IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 125634-125648

  2. A Hybrid Infrastructure of Enterprise Architecture and Business Intelligence Analytics for Knowledge Management in Education

    IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 38778-38788

  3. A Review of the Analytics Techniques for an Efficient Management of Online Forums: An Architecture Proposal

    IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 12220-12240

  4. A Systematic Review of Deep Learning Approaches to Educational Data Mining

    Complexity, Vol. 2019

  5. A corpus to support eHealth Knowledge Discovery technologies

    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Vol. 94

  6. A linked open data framework to enhance the discoverability and impact of culture heritage

    Journal of Information Science, Vol. 45, Núm. 6, pp. 756-766

  7. A selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization

    Pattern Recognition, Vol. 86, pp. 37-47

  8. A systematic mapping of translation-enabling technologies for sign languages

    Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 8, Núm. 9

  9. A systemic and cybernetic perspective on causality, big data and social networks in tourism

    Kybernetes, Vol. 48, Núm. 2, pp. 287-297

  10. An MEI-based standard encoding for hierarchical music analyses

    International Journal on Digital Libraries, Vol. 20, Núm. 1, pp. 93-105

  11. An approach to big data modeling for key-value NoSQL databases

    RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, Vol. 2019, Núm. 19, pp. 519-530

  12. Analysis of eHealth knowledge discovery systems in the TASS 2018 Workshop

    Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, Núm. 62, pp. 13-20

  13. Application of a big data framework for data monitoring on a smart campus

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 20

  14. Application of a smart city model to a traditional university campus with a big data architecture: A sustainable smart campus

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 10

  15. Application of machine learning in predicting performance for computer engineering students: A case study

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 10

  16. Assessing the best edit in perturbation-based iterative refinement algorithms to compute the median string

    Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 120, pp. 104-111

  17. Atención automatizada a estudiantes en el proceso de matriculación en la Universidad de Alicante

    Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, Núm. 63, pp. 197-200

  18. Automatic detection of inconsistencies between numerical scores and textual feedback in peer-assessment processes with machine learning

    Computers and Education, Vol. 140

  19. Comprehensive learning system based on the analysis of data and the recommendation of activities in a distance education environment

    The International journal of engineering education, Vol. 35, Núm. 5, pp. 1316-1325

  20. Creación de un corpus de noticias de gran tamaño en español para el análisis diacrónico y diatópico del uso del lenguaje

    Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, Núm. 62, pp. 29-36