Publications (167) PABLO MARTI CIRIQUIAN publications


  1. Actuaciones previstas

    Plan Director del BIC "La Picola" (Santa Pola), 2023-2048 (Museo del Mar), pp. 142-184

  2. Diagnóstico general

    Plan Director del BIC "La Picola" (Santa Pola), 2023-2048 (Museo del Mar), pp. 131-140

  3. Estudio urbanístico

    Plan Director del BIC "La Picola" (Santa Pola), 2023-2048 (Museo del Mar), pp. 61-65

  4. Predictors of postoperative complications and readmissions in laparoscopic pancreas resection: Results of a cohort 105 consecutive cases. A retrospective study

    Cirugia Espanola, Vol. 101, Núm. 5, pp. 333-340

  5. The role of successful public spaces in historic centres. Insights from social media data

    Cities, Vol. 137

  6. Understanding city dynamics: using geolocated social media in a problem-based activity as an investigative tool to enhance student learning

    Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Vol. 47, Núm. 1, pp. 106-127


  1. Blended Learning: un reto para la docencia en materias de urbanismo

    Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria: Convocatoria 2020-21 (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), pp. 2091-2107

  2. Culturally diverse street-level urban activities through the lens of digital footprints

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 20

  3. Faculty Leadership in Learning Environments Based on Free Access to Information on the Internet

    Effective Leadership for Overcoming ICT Challenges in Higher Education: What Faculty, Staff and Administrators Can Do to Thrive Amidst the Chaos (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 111-127

  4. Taking the urban tourist activity pulse through digital footprints

    Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 24, Núm. 2, pp. 157-176

  5. The geography of social media data in urban areas: Representativeness and complementarity

    ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 10, Núm. 11

  6. The potential of location-based social networks for participatory urban planning

    Smart Cities and the UN SDGs (Elsevier), pp. 107-123