Area: General Linguistics
Research group: EPA-IULMA
Research group: Second and Foreign Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Alicante (ACQUA)
Email: spc@ua.es
Personal web: https://cvnet.cpd.ua.es/curriculum-breve/es/pastor-cester...
Doctor by the Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante with the thesis La obra narrativa de Jesus Fernandez Santos y su relacion con el cine 1995. Supervised by Dr. Miguel Ángel Lozano Marco.
Senior lecturer in the General Linguistics area in the Department of Spanish Studies at the University of Alicante (UA), specialising in applied linguistics and Spanish as a foreign language (SFL). Her research focuses on Applied Linguistics to the acquisition and teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Spanish as a second language and immigration, assessment of language skills and language program evaluation, academic Spanish as L2 and teacher training. Founder and current director of the research group ACQUA (Additional Language Acquisition), belonging to the IULMA. She has participated in several research projects and has directed 13 doctoral theses. She has completed a Salvador de Madariaga research stay at the University of Oxford (2017), as well as a stay at the University of Buenos Aires (2021), both for Academic Spanish L2 research. Member of the expert bank of the State Research Agency. She has an intense and continuous activity in research management and evaluation, which includes her contribution to international publications as an external evaluator, member of editorial committees and scientific councils of indexed journals. External reviewer of eleven scientific journals. She has been Vice-Dean of Academic Organization and Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UA (2010-2014). External Examiner of the Spanish Program at the University of Hong Kong (2015-2018). Director of the journal Estudios de Lingüística de la UA (ELUA) (2009-2011), current member of its Advisory Commitee. President of the Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, ASELE (2008-2016), current Honorary Member. Academic representative of the UA for the SICELE (Sistema Internacional de Certificación del Español como Lengua Extranjera) from 2010 to the present. She has been a teacher and academic coordinator of the Spanish Courses for Foreig-ners at the UA, as well as a Spanish teacher at CIEE. ELE teacher trainer. She teaches undergraduate courses in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and postgraduate cour-ses in the Master of English and Spanish as L2, where she has directed up to 50 TFM. She has collaborated in ELE postgraduate courses at the universities of Salamanca, Alcalá de Henares, UIMP, Complutense de Madrid and Barcelona. She has carried out Erasmus teaching stays at the universities of Cork, Naples, Salerno, Düsseldorf, At-hens and Szeged. She regularly speaks at national and international conferences in his specialty. Organi-zer of the XVII International Congress of ASELE (2007), as well as the II, XIII, XIX y XXV Jornadas de Estudios de Lingüística (1998, 2011, 2017 and 2024) and ACQUA Group Annual Conferences. Member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of various conferences. She has given courses and conferences as a guest speaker at the universities of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Brussels, Salzburg, UNAM and Guadalajara (Mexico), Concepción (Chile), Chulalongkorn (Thailand), Costa Rica, London, Oxford, Gothenburg, Buenos Aires Aires, Mannheim and Vienna. She has published several books, as well as numerous research articles and book chap-ters. Among the most recent: Español académico como LE/L2: destrezas, competen-cias y movilidad (Routledge, 2023) and Metodología de la investigación en la ense-ñanza-aprendizaje del español como L2/LE (Arco, 2022, codirected with I. Santos Gargallo).