Publications (117) MARIA FRANCISCA GIMENEZ CASALDUERO publications View referenced research data.
Assessing habitat microscale conditions underlying with mortality and survival of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain)
Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 200
Calidad como producto gastronómica del cangrejo azul americano
Fomento de la I+D+I en el ámbito de la gastronomía 2022-2023 (Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant), pp. 181-182
Infauna evolution of the invertebrate community after a severe eutrophic crisis in the coastal lagoon of the Mar Menor (W Mediterranean)
Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol. 79
Looking for the surviving optimal areas for the threatened species Pinna nobilis in a highly anthropized coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, SE Spain)
Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 255
Quality as a Gastronomic Product of the American Blue Crab
Fomento de la I+D+I en el ámbito de la gastronomía 2022-2023 (Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant), pp. 183-185
Razones estructurales del colapso del Mar Menor desde un enfoque socioecológico
Los humedales costeros de la península ibérica (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 111-153
A widespread picornavirus affects the hemocytes of the noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis), leading to its immunosuppression
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 10
Distribution and behaviour of striped dolphins in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea based on whale-watching data
Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol. 68
La planificación integrada costera y marina
Economía azul: De la estrategia a las políticas públicas (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 182-184
Las dificultades y retos de la interfaz ciencia-gestión. El caso del Mar Menor
Mirando a los ríos desde el mar. Viejos y nuevos debates para una transición hídrica justa
Detection of Haplosporidium pinnae from Pinna nobilis Faeces
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Núm. 2
Factors structuring microbial communities in highly impacted coastal marine sediments (Mar Menor lagoon, SE Spain)
Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 13
Point pattern analysis as a tool for assessing disease spread and population features in remaining sanctuaries of the critically endangered bivalve Pinna nobilis
Journal for Nature Conservation, Vol. 68
The relict population of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor is facing an uncertain future
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 185
The emergent fouling population after severe eutrophication in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon
Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol. 44
Tiburones y rayas de la Región de Murcia
Servicio de Publicaciones
Can we save a marine species affected by a highly infective, highly lethal, waterborne disease from extinction?
Biological Conservation, Vol. 243
El colapso del Mar Menor: historia de una joya ecológica maltratada
Mètode: Revista de difusión de la Investigación, Vol. 3, Núm. 106, pp. 22-29
El col·lapse del Mar Menor: història d’una joia ecològica maltractada
Mètode: Revista de difusió de la investigació, Vol. 3, Núm. 106, pp. 22-29
Massive Aggregations of Serpulidae Associated With Eutrophication of the Mar Menor, Southeast Iberian Peninsula
Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 7