Area: English Philology

Research group: Digital Language Learning (DL2)


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante with the thesis Estudio morfológico contrastivo inglés-español sobre terminología de la informática y de Internet 2000. Supervised by Dr. Víctor Manuel Pina Medina.

Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Department of English Studies, at the University of Alicante (Spain). He completed his studies in Germany, the UK and the USA. He has been teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) and Historical and Applied Linguistics for 25 years in Spain (Alicante, Valencia, Barcelona) and in other countries (Germany, UK, Ireland, USA). He participated in the implementation of different English and Spanish language teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was the Resident Director of a Master Program in Spanish co-organized with Central Michigan University (USA) and Spanish Academic Coordinator for several American colleges at the Universidad de Alicante. His research interests are Applied Linguisticsand CALL (second and foreign language learning and technology), Educational Technology and Translation of Computer Terminology. He has participated as a speaker and member of the scientific committee in different international congresses (ACTFL, BAAL, TESOL, AEDEAN, CALL, AESLA, etc) and in several national and international research projects. He has published numerous articles in scientific journals (Teaching English with Technology, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Education Sciences, Meta, Translation and Terminology, Babel, etc.). He is a member of the editorial board (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, Frontiers in Education) and reviewer of various international journals (CALL Journal, BJET, Languages, Retos, etc) belonging to different publishers (Taylor and Francis, Springer, etc). Since 2017 he has been an active member of the committee of experts in the Erasmus Program of the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), Ministry of Universities (Spain), and of the committee of experts of the National Research Agency (AEI) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Spain). In 2019 he received the 'Adoración Sánchez Holgado' Research Award from the Agencia Estatal de Programas Universitarios de Mayores (AEPUM) for his work on the use of technology in learning English by senior students. He currently leads the research group DIGITAL LANGUAGE LEARNING (DL2).