El modelo netflix (2015-2020). Estrategias del servicio de streaming aplicables a las tiendas fnac

  1. López Belda, Luis A.
Dirixida por:
  1. Francisco Javier Mora Contreras Director

Universidade de defensa: Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante

Fecha de defensa: 27 de setembro de 2023

Tipo: Tese


The focus of this research is to extend and update a previous investigation carried out during my COMINCREA TFM (Official Master’s in Communication and Creative Industries from the University of Alicante), concerning the viability of the cinema section of FNAC stores amidst the rise of digital content. This study examines the business model and strategic maneuvers of Netflix in Spain for the proliferation of their digital product. The unforeseen success of Netflix, significantly surpassing the initially pessimistic expectations of academic projections prior to its advent, has catalyzed significant transformations in the production, distribution, and consumption of entertainment audiovisual products. As a result, this development poses a significant threat to the future of physical formats and the retail outlets specializing in their sale. Interestingly, these successful strategies by Netflix have been, in essence, optimized versions of tactics previously used by these very retail stores. Hence, this study probes the feasibility of these physical and hybrid stores (those offering both in-store and online sales of physical products) to adopt and refine these digital strategies to ensure their continued commercial viability.