Análisis del conocimiento didáctico del contenido en el profesorado actual de Educación Física

  1. Úbeda-Cuquerella, Alicia 1
  2. Baena-Morales, Salvador 1
  3. García-Martínez, Salvador 1
  4. Ferriz-Valero, Alberto 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España



ISSN: 2735-6302

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Revista Transformar Diciembre 2022

Volume: 3

Issue: 4

Pages: 46-64

Type: Article

More publications in: Transformar


This paper describes an investigation on the didactic knowledge of the content in order to evaluate the level of training of Physical Education teachers in Valencia and Catalonia. In this sense, the different factors such as the pedagogical and disciplinary knowledge they have to carry out the teaching action with the students, as well as the strategies and mastery they have will be evaluated. In this way, to analyse whether it influences the level of teaching and learning of the students, which aspects are favourable and which should be improved in the teaching staff in the area of Physical Education. In order to carry out this research, a Likert-type scale study was presented to 100 Physical Education teachers by means of a questionnaire developed using six dimensions consisting of Pedagogical Knowledge, Knowledge of the area, Knowledge of teaching strategies, Knowledge of Evaluation, Knowledge of the Curriculum and Mastery of the class. The results indicate that the total CDC of the study is high, with respect to a maximum score of 5, and therefore allow us to analyse teacher training and the different factors that influence the process.

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