Fostering Sustainability through Visualization Techniques for Real-Time IoT DataA Case Study Based on Gas Turbines for Electricity Production
- Rafael Capilla (coord.)
- Maider Azanza (coord.)
- Miguel Rodríguez Luaces (coord.)
- María del Mar Roldán García (coord.)
- Loli Burgueño (coord.)
- José Raúl Romero (coord.)
- José Antonio Parejo Maestre (coord.)
- José Francisco Chicano García (coord.)
- Marcela Genero (coord.)
- Oscar Díaz (coord.)
- José González Enríquez (coord.)
- Mª Carmen Penadés Gramaje (coord.)
- Silvia Abrahão (col.)
Verlag: Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES)
Datum der Publikation: 2021
Kongress: Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD) (25. 2021. Malaga)
Art: Konferenz-Beitrag
Improving sustainability is a key concern for industrial development. Industry has recently been benefiting from the rise of IoT technologies, leading to improvements in the monitoring and breakdown prevention of industrial equipment. In order to properly achieve this monitoring and prevention, visualization techniques are of paramount importance. However, the visualization of real-time IoT sensor data has always been challenging, especially when such data are originated by sensors of different natures. In order to tackle this issue, we propose a methodology that aims to help users to visually locate and understand the failures that could arise in a production process.This methodology collects, in a guided manner, user goals and the requirements of the production process, analyzes the incoming data from IoT sensors and automatically derives the most suitable visualization type for each context. This approach will help users to identify if the production process is running as well as expected+ADs thus, it will enable them to make the most sustainable decision in each situation. Finally, in order to assess the suitability of our proposal, a case study based on gas turbines for electricity generation is presented.