Aproximación al romancero tradicional desde la Retórica Culturallos niveles de organización poética de Diego Catalán en el marco de la Teoría Literaria del siglo XX

  1. López Sánchez, Raquel 1
  1. 1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01cby8j38

Viejos son, pero no cansan: novos estudos sobre o romanceiro : V Colóquio Internacional do Romanceiro, Coimbra, 22-24 de Junho de 2017
  1. Boto, Sandra (coord.)
  2. Cid, Jesús Antonio (coord.)
  3. Ferré, Pere (coord.)
  4. Asensio Jiménez, Nicolás (col.)
  5. Santana, María Helena (col.)

Editorial: Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal ; Centro de Literatura Portuguesa (CLP)

ISBN: 978-989-8968-07-4 978-989-8968-06-7

Any de publicació: 2020

Pàgines: 145-180

Congrés: Coloquio Internacional sobre el Romancero (5. 2017. Coimbra)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


The aim of this paper is to perform a theoretical exposition around the aspect of the orality in the traditional balladry and the conditions of survival and renovation of ballad’sdiscourse through the dynamics of versions and variants. The oral transmission allows theopening concept of ballad’s model by means of discourses concatenation by virtue of the continual processes of production and reception by minstrels or ballad singers. For to beconscious of the knowledge of the ballad’s folk life meaning, this article views three fundamental aims since the Cultural Rhetoric methodology: 1) to approach the traditional balladry connections with the Rhetoric and Cultural Rhetoric, 2) to revise the levels of poetic articulation proposed by Catalán for balladry —the fable, the intrigue and the actantialmodel— and connect them with essential concepts on the twentieth-century theory innarratological studies, and 3) to explain the comparative element and the intertextualityin Traditional Balladry since the Cultural rhetoric.