Dames pietoses i cavallers extraviats.

  1. Pastor Briones, Vicent 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05t8bcz72

Les vides de sants en la tradició romànica i en la cultura medieval i moderna: Noves perspectives
  1. Herrero Herrero, María de los Ángeles (coord.)

Editorial: Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana

ISBN: 978-84-1302-203-1

Ano de publicación: 2023

Páxinas: 109-118

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


Two young people, a love and an adventure that bifurcates. While the adventure is common, luck smiles on them; then, however, human or divine causes truncate the love affair, and a string of obstacles of all kinds will prevent the couple from reuniting. The twin storytelling of adventures has clear classical roots, dating back to the first centuries of our era in what has come to be called the Byzantine novel or Greek adventure novel. We are referring to titles sucha as "Aethiopica", and so on. The core role of separation, of the journey which propitiates the adventures was continued from de Middle Ages by other texts that combined the sentimental novel, the chivalrous or the most makedly hagiografic, to the point that "home bellator" turns his sword upside down and, by displaying it as an imperishable symbol of his faith, he will become and "homo viator". The list of titles related to the separation and the twin storytelling of adventures is not inexhaustible, but it is quite extensive. The future of the lovers separately has been analyzed in several works, especially with regard to the adventures of the knight. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the behavior of the maidens, let's say "abandoned", from the moment they become aware of their new situation, paying special attention to those women who take refuge in their Christian faith. Only three works, "Apollonius of Tyre", "The daughter of the king of Hungary" and "Pierres of Provence", offer us stories in which the protagonist could have lived a life that was close to the hagiographic story.