El capital social en la Vega media Sevillaun nuevo elemento del desarrollo

  1. Márquez Fernández, Dominga
  2. Galindo Pérez de Azpillaga, Luis
Lurralde: Investigación y espacio

ISSN: 0211-5891

Année de publication: 2009

Número: 32

Pages: 69-92

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio


The raising of the social capital today as the axis driving for the development compels us to emphasize the importance that this process has now, since the comprehensive vision that brings is assuming a change of mindset that goes beyond the logic of economics. It is a vision of development that places the human person and the collective interest as a focal point to develop the capacities of all individuals. The notion of social capital is regarded as one of the most promising conceptual paradigms to explain the causes of development or underdevelopment and, in turn, propose alternatives beyond traditional investments in physical capital or human. The emergence of this concept is a reality in which institutions from development policies. Within this flow that supports social capital as a vital resource in the dynamics of any space, it is essential to analyze the degree of partnership to understand what the values that govern their citizens are, and thus taken into account within the municipal development policiesregional, as is the case with Vega Media of Seville. The resources associations are the vehicle through which communities are involved in social life, cultural and economic development of any country. Similarly, it is important to measure social capital available to a group and that the level of evidence partnership relations of trust, reciprocity and cooperation of the people, playing an important role in the economic and social advancement of any space.

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