El principio de explicabilidad algorítmica en la normativa tributaria españolahacia un derecho a la explicación individual.
ISSN: 0210-8453, 2695-7493
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 192
Pages: 143-178
Type: Article
More publications in: Civitas. Revista española de derecho financiero
Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in the tax administration’s decisions, especially through the use of systems based on Machine Learning algorithms to support decisions. These decisions are subject to the principle of explainability, which requires the justification of the decision in understable terms to the taxpayer. In this paper we scour the tax system (and supplementary administrative regulations) in search of the legal basis that supports the taxpayers’ right to obtain such an explanation, but we can only verify the absence of a proper legal basis. This fact, together with the low degree of interpretability of the Machine Learning algorithms used by the tax administration, leads us to propose a legislative reform that materialises this due explanation in local or individual explanations.
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