A propósito de la desambiguación del antropónimo Francisco Ximénez, OP

  1. Miguel Ángel Vega Cernuda
Los dominicos españoles e iberoamericanos y la traducción
  1. Antonio Bueno García (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Comares

ISBN: 978-84-9045-664-4

Year of publication: 2018

Volume Title: Traductor y traducciones en España e influencias europeas

Volume: 1

Pages: 105-116

Type: Book chapter


In this paper we try to disambiguate the anthroponym Francisco Ximenez referred to the history of the order of Preachers. Two personalities of great interest for the cultural criticism hide under this homonym: the translator and naturalist Francisco Ximenez de Luna, and the translator, naturalist and historian Francisco Ximenez de Ecija. Both lived and missioned in the territories of Guatemala and Nueva España during the seventeenth century. Both were defenders and promoters sui generis of the human rights.