Tendencias en la formación inicial del maestro especialista en música

  1. Rafael Prieto Alberola
Tossal: Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa

ISSN: 1132-8134

Year of publication: 1992

Volume: 1

Issue: 0

Pages: 83-93

Type: Article

More publications in: Tossal: Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa


In the context of the present learning curriculum, concerning music education and computer technology, this article analyses the teacher's thoughts related to those aspects of music which are more relevant for these particular studies. In order to achieve these objectives, we have devised and put into practice a survey. The analysis of the results shows some directions to be considered in making ready the new curricula and teachers training planning.

Bibliographic References

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  • MATHEWS, M.V & PIERCE, J.R. (1987). El ordenador, instrumento musical. Investigación y ciencia 127: 84 - 92.
  • NUÑEZ, A. (1992). Informática y electrónica musical. Madrid, Paraninfo.
  • PENFORD, R.A. (1992). MIDI avanzado. Madrid, Ra-ma.