Medidas de adaptación al riesgo de sequía en el sector hotelero de Benidorm (Alicante, España)
ISSN: 0718-3402
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 65
Pages: 129-153
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Geografía Norte Grande
Water supply guarantee is a basic condition for maintaining the quality standards of a tourist town. Benidorm is the most important tourist center in Spanish Mediterranean coast by its number of hotel rooms. The adaptation to droughts has been a constant since the middle of last century in this tourist town. It have been carried out municipal and supra-municipal measures to ensure consumption of potable water, and also actions from the private hotel sector that have reduced significantly the consumption of water per person per day, between 1975 and 2015. Drought risk has been drastically reduced from the creation of the supra-municipal water agency and the implementation of systems that use non-conventional water resources (treated wastewater and desalination).
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