La imagen de partido del Partido Popular y el Partido Socialista Obrero Español en España:1996 al 2015
ISSN: 2445-2661
Año de publicación: 2017
Volumen: 2
Número: 1
Páginas: 51-79
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Sociologiados: Revista de investigación social
The "image of the political party" refers to the attributes and qualities that citizens give them. These qualities can be ideological or refer to other significant aspects of any public image. A political party logo or its acronym is a "brand" with a certain level of reputation, trust or reliability that differentiates it from other political parties. This research studies the images of the Popular Party and the Spanish Socialist Workers Party based on the capacity granted to them to manage different policies. In short, what dimensions of the social, economic or political are more related with them, and for those who are supposed to be more competent. From five pre-election surveys of general elections carried out by the CIS, in 1996, 2000, 2008, 2011 and 2015 the profile of the PP and the PSOE is analysed. The general hypothesis, established at the international level for the majority parties with government experience, raises the thematic convergence, as well as a tendency towards undifferentiation in their political profiles. In short, a weakness of the "party image" in public opinion. For the Spanish case, this hypothesis is confirmed, showing a general tendency to undifferentiation in the political issues considered in the party image of the PP and the PSOE.
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