Satisfacción del cuidado enfermero en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México
- Avila Alpirez, Hermelinda
- Rizo Baeza, Mercedes
- Flores Peña, Yolanda
ISSN: 1138-1728
Year of publication: 2007
Issue: 22
Pages: 80-86
Type: Article
More publications in: Cultura de los cuidados: Revista de Enfermería y Humanidades
Introduction. Developing a qualitative description of experiences and satisfaction before nursing care of patients suffering from DMT2, within the Internal Medical Ward, NHS Matamoros Tamaulipas (Mexico) Methodology. The present study emerges from the qualitative and the phenomenological pattern so allowing the understanding of experiences lived by real people - in this particular case - of people affected by DMT2. The sample studied was of 8 subjects, selectively proposed trying to obtain the highest variability, thus maximizing the diversity of the studied phenomenon. The technical data collection of information used was a semi-structured guided interview. Outcomes. The patient is satisfied when perceiving the vocational service and well-meaning on the nurse's part. The degree of satisfaction is perceived as "a limited field of acceptance", expressed as: "well... at least..." as a reference to the context. The satisfaction factors are conceptualized by the patient according to how the nurse "backs", "helps", "heals", "reassures" the patient with his/her presence. The diabetic patient visualizes, perceives the non satisfaction factors as that nursing care provided by the nurse in terms of "exclusively professional" duties. Patients do establish differences between exclusive "medical provider" and "love provider".
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