Traducciones al servicio de la exégesis temprana sobre Ausiàs March y otros clásicos valencianos y el sentido de sus relaciones románicas

  1. Martines Peres, Vicent
Revista de Literatura Medieval

ISSN: 1130-3611

Year of publication: 2005

Issue: 17

Pages: 155-176

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Literatura Medieval


Analysis of early translations of Ausiás March and other Valencian classics of Medieval Catalán Literature and of the first exégesis about them (Jordi de Sant Jordi, Tirant lo Blanch and Joan Rois de Corella). It is paid special attention to the works in coimection with Bastero and his work La Crusca Provenzale, a fundamental work for the first extemal diffusion of these authors, and, specifícally, for making themself known during the Enlightenment in Italy. Their opinions and their (fragmentary) translations are useíul to establish the «canon» of their reception and comprehension in Italy. This is an interdisciplanary work that takes into account both translation and literary reception elements.