La versión griega de la leyenda demótica del Ojo del Sol

  1. López Martínez, María Paz
  2. Torallas Tovar, Sofía

ISSN: 0213-2338 1989-9904

Year of publication: 2004

Issue: 23-24

Pages: 185-196

Type: Article

More publications in: Lucentum


This article is a preliminary study of a 3rd century papyrus known as the "Legend of Tefnut". It is a translation into Greek of an Egyptian legend, which relates the myth of the Eye of the Sun. Although the text is the only known instance of both an original Demotic story and its Greek translation, it has not - so far - received the attention it deserves. The Demotic text has been preserved in a number of versions, the most complete of which is to be found in Leyden Museum. It relates the story of Tefnut's journey from Egypt to Ethiopia, fleeing from her father. The God Thoth is sent to persuade her to return and on the way back he tells her a number of stories to entertain her and convince her of the virtues of her homeland.

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