La traducción de la fijación, pseudo-fijación y post-fijación en los libretos de ópera (francés-español-valenciano)

  1. Ascensión Sierra Soriano 1
  2. Vicent Satorres Calabuig 2
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


  2. 2 Generalitat Valenciana

    Generalitat Valenciana

    Valencia, España


Enfoques actuales para la traducción fraseológica y paremiológica: ámbitos, recursos y modalidades
  1. Germán Conde Tarrío (coord.)
  2. Pedro Mogorrón Huerta (coord.)
  3. David Prieto García-Seco (coord.)

Publisher: Centro Virtual Cervantes

ISBN: 978-84-608-1507-5

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 195-212

Type: Book chapter


The translation difficulties raised when coining fixed expressions in a particular genre, the opera libretto, is the objective of this work about the translation of phraseological units. From a corpus of six French librettos that have been translated for the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia, we identify and analyse the problems faced by translators in two Romance languages: Spanish and Catalonian. These problems arise for both the own nature of idioms, particularly because of their formal fossilization, and the will of the librettist, who plays with the coinage of new fixed phrases with comic or dramatic purposes. The solution to the translation difficulties will depend on the linguistic, phraseological and translation competences of the translator, who must identify and understand such fixed combinations in the source language in order to reproduce or create fixed equivalents in the target language.