Las Sagradas Escrituras en el teatro evangelizador franciscano de la Nueva Españahacia una traducción cultural
- Bueno García, Antonio (coord.)
- Vega Cernuda, Miguel Ángel (coord.)
Editorial: Università per Stranieri di Perugia, 2011
ISBN: 978-88-906524-0-0
Año de publicación: 2011
Tipo: Capítulo de Libro
The “spiritual conquest” of the indigenous peoples of Mexico during the 16th century is undoubtedly an outstanding episode in Franciscan misional history. The present work focuses on one of the most effective methods of such missionary activity, theatre, and more concretely on the difficulties and characteristics of the managing of the Divine Word on dramatic texts, in order to observe some strategies opened up by the members of the seraphic order in their effort to achieve a “cultural translation” of the European christianity to a space until then completely unknown.