Creatividad publicitariamarcas vs prosumer amateur. La viralidad del spot de Eugen Merher para Adidas

  2. Victoria TUR-VIÑES
Diálogos bilaterales entre investigadores de la Glasgow Caledonian University (Reino Unido) y la Universidad de Alicante (España): Estudios interdisciplinares
  1. García-Medina, Irene (coord.)
  2. Tur-Viñes, Victoria (coord.)

Publisher: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-617-9388-4

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 175-184

Type: Book chapter


Last December 15th of 2016, the young filming student Eugen Merher published on his YouTube channel a story created for Adidas. In just a bit more than a month, it has provided the company with over 11.500.000 free displays. In a social and economic context marked by the crisis, this initiative helps the author to extend his personal brand beyond faculties and creative schools. The case method has been used to make a comparative content analysis of the characteristics, traffic and interactivity indicators of the official Adidas channel and the Merher personal channel in time coincidence. It is concluded that, despite the budgetary differences, the emotional load of the stories reinforce the virality.