Organización de una sesión colectiva en un aula virtual compartida para la enseñanza del piano en conservatorios

  1. Roig Vila, Rosabel
  2. Guillén Box, Antonio Ángel
Tecnología, innovación e investigación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
  1. Roig Vila, Rosabel (coord.)

Publisher: Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-9921-848-9

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 2952-2959

Type: Book chapter


Conclusions of teaching studies carried out mark an ongoing development of blended learning with an increase in collaborative learning approaches. In this paper, an issue is raised concerning the possibility of an organizational strategy that could be carried out in a piano lesson within the dynamics of a virtual shared classroom. The aforementioned organizational design was studied in a research project in which the evaluation of piano teachers about dLearning was reviewed. Teachers showed a positive interest; however, they deem it more appropriate for teaching the higher musical education degree and postgraduate programs. The teaching strategy is approached from an innovative design within the classroom organization in a music school. Reviewing different case studies is used as a teaching strategy for a multipoint session in which a teacher and the interpreting student are in the physical classroom connected through videoconference tools with students from different locations (for example, three students acting as observers). Once the strategy design is outlined, a practical implementation for its development and hands-on experimentation is necessary