Participación de las enfermeras clínicas en la formación práctica de estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería
- Águeda Cervera-Gasch
- Víctor M. Gonzalez-Chorda
- Desirée Mena-Tudela
- Pablo Salas-Medina
- Ana Folch-Ayora
- Loreto Macia-Soler
ISSN: 1130-8621
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 28
Issue: 3
Pages: 171-178
Type: Article
More publications in: Enfermería clínica
Objective To evaluate the level of participation of clinical nurses from Castellón where Universitat JaumeI nursing students do their clinical clerkship. To identify the variables that may influence clinical nurses’ participation in students’ clinical mentorship. Method This observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted by applying the validated Involvement, Motivation, Satisfaction, Obstacles and Commitment (IMSOC) questionnaire. The variables collected were: age, work environment and previous training. The study was conducted between January and December 2014. Results The sample included 117 nurses. The overall mean questionnaire score was 122.838 (standard deviation: ±18.692; interquartile range 95%: 119.415-126.26). The variable “previous training for mentorship students” was statistically significant in the overall score and for all dimensions (P<.05). Primary care nurses obtained better scores in the dimension Implication than professionals working at other care levels. Conclusions The level of participation of the clinical nurses from Castellón is adequate. The previous training that professionals receive for mentoring students improves both their level of participation and primary care level. Extending this research to other national and international environments is recommended.
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