Efectividad de una intervención educacional en la afectación de la bronquiolitis aguda en lactantes

  1. González Gómez, Isabel
  1. M. Pilar Isla Pera Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 2019(e)ko urtarrila-(a)k 24

  1. Joaquín Moncho Vasallo Presidentea
  2. G. Sarquella-Brugada Idazkaria
  3. Maite Valverde Torreguitart Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 578473 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention for health, aimed to modify the control of risk factors for the prevention of acute bronchiolitis (BA) as well as the recognition and management of the symptomatology of the disease. Method: Prospective randomized clinical trial conducted with 519 newborns and their families, admitted to the maternal and child unit of two hospitals in the city of Terrassa. The patients were randomly distributed at the time of birth, the experimental group (GE) received specific information on bronchiolitis during admission, an information leaflet on discharge from maternity, and as a reinforcement, a reminder call on the contents at one month of age; the control group (CG) followed the usual protocol and did not receive specific information about BA. Results: A total sample of 519 newborns was included in the study, of which 258 belong to the GE and 261 to the GC. Thirty-three percent (174 out of 519) of the children presented some form of disease, with a confidence of 95%, (CI: 29.5% -37.8%). There were fewer cases of BA in the experimental group, 30% (CI: 24.3% -35.8%) than in the control group, 37% (ICE: 31.3% -43.3%), the difference between them being almost significant (p <. 100). The hospital admission rate was 4% lower in the experimental group. Conclusions: The educational intervention for health on acute bronchiolitis decreases the number of cases of BA and the number of hospital admissions, which can be endorsed in subsequent studies. Education has not modified the age of contagion, but the number of children who attend the nursery school. It is necessary to insist on educational research to inform families with children at risk for early age, about respiratory diseases in the winter season, so we believe it is a task to be carried out by the nurse and within the primary care clinic in winter .