Corpus de fraseologia de les Illes Balearsclassificació, descripció i contextualització

  1. Sagrera Antich, Bàrbara
  1. Caterina Valriu Llinàs Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 27

  1. Carme Oriol Carazo Presidentea
  2. Joan Melià Garí Idazkaria
  3. Joan Borja Sanz Kidea
  4. Gemma Lluch Crespo Kidea
  5. Ramon Miquel Bassa Martín Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The work we present is a representative compendium of phraseology speak of the Balearic Islands. Phraseological units that comprise emptying come from these works: the 24 volumes of Aplec de Rondaies Mallorquines d’En Jordi d’es Racó; the Rondayes de Mallorca; the Archduke Luis Salvador; the Rondayes Menorca collected by Andreu Ferrer Ginard; the Rondaies Ibiza and Formentera compiled by Joan Castelló Guasch; the Diccionari Català-Valencià-Balear (DCVB), and the Cançoner Popular de Mallorca of Rafel Ginard Bauçà. The units that make up the corpus are arranged alphabetically by the first word of each sentence. Each entry appears in the classification of the unit, the semantic description, the source or sources in which the unit is located and transcription of the fragment in which we have located. The introductory essay preceding the compendium includes, first, the delimitation of the scope and terms of concepts and phrases that are used throughout this work. Then justify the selection of the sources described above and it's contribution in each case. Then dedicate a section to justify the criteria governing the classification of all units in the set, and finally we analyze more exhautive a representative part of the whole. Thus, we carry out a structural analysis, functional, formal, semantic and pragmatic statements of specific value and nominal phrases, adjectival, adverbial verbal and documented of the Rondaies Mallorquines. We restricted the analysis to these units because, firstly, they are representative of the media folk and secondly, the fact appear embedded in a textual unit provides superior make pragmatic analysis, impossible to do in units descontextualitze appear. However, the extension of the body-more than seventeen thousand units-, demonstrates the richness of phraseological speaking island, and, if we consider the symbolic value of phraseological units, we can also mention the anthropological value.