Publications en collaboration avec des chercheurs de Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Epidemiología Y Salud Pública (232)


  1. Accessibility of intimate partner violencerelated services for young women in Spain. Qualitative study on professionals' perspectives

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 19, Núm. 4 April

  2. Characterizing myths of sexual aggression in the young population in Spain

    BMC Public Health, Vol. 24, Núm. 1

  3. Constructing, Deconstructing or Abolishing? Discourses on Masculinities in Violence Against Women Prevention by Stakeholders in Spain

    Journal of Interpersonal Violence

  4. Effect of gender equality on mortality from non-communicable diseases

    Gaceta Sanitaria, Vol. 38

  5. Evaluation of the Let's Focus! (Posem el Focus) Socioeducational Intervention: Promoting Healthy and Equitable Relationships in High Schools

    Journal of School Health

  6. Examining Cybersexism in Online Gaming Communities: A Scoping Review

    Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, Vol. 25, Núm. 2, pp. 1201-1218

  7. GACETA SANITARIA in 2023. The show must go on. Goodbye and thanks

    Gaceta Sanitaria

  8. Menarche and reproductive health in Spanish Roma women from a reproductive justice perspective: a qualitative study

    Reproductive Health, Vol. 21, Núm. 1

  9. Pornography, sexual orientation and ambivalent sexism in young adults in Spain

    BMC Public Health, Vol. 24, Núm. 1

  10. Psychological burden and quality of life in newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease patients

    Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 15

  11. Response to the COVID-19 Health Crisis from a Gender Perspective: Lessons Learned

    Gaceta Sanitaria, Vol. 38

  12. Risk Factors For Cyberbullying Among Secondary Students in Urban Settings in Spain: A Cross-Sectional Study

    Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, Vol. 9, Núm. 3, pp. 406-417

  13. Sexual violence and young people: “it is not something you are born with, but with what you learn”

    Gaceta Sanitaria, Vol. 38

  14. Social determinants of food insecurity experienced by Ecuadorian women during the COVID-19 pandemic of Summer 2020: an online survey at the individual level

    Facets, Vol. 9, pp. 1-14

  15. Unconventional data, unprecedented insights: leveraging non-traditional data during a pandemic

    Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 12

  16. ‘Important, but difficult’: Swedish primary care professionals’ perceptions and experiences of dealing with violence against women: an interview study

    BMC Primary Care, Vol. 25, Núm. 1

  17. “Thanks to my activists Friends”: a qualitative study of perspectives of young adults and professionals on the factors related to seeking support among victims of sexual violence in Spain

    Archives of Public Health, Vol. 82, Núm. 1