Publicaciones en las que colabora con JUAN CARLOS TRUJILLO MONDEJAR (16)


  1. An approach for the conceptual modeling of clustering mining in the kdd process

    MCCSIS 2007 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems - Proceedings of Wireless Applications and Computing 2007, Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2007 and Data Mining 2007

  2. On the suitability of time series analysis on data warehouses

    MCCSIS 2007 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems - Proceedings of Wireless Applications and Computing 2007, Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2007 and Data Mining 2007


  1. Red “Universidad, género, docencia e igualdad”

    Memòries del Programa de Xarxes-I3CE de qualitat, innovació i investigació en docència universitària: convocatòria 2018-19 (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), pp. 1087


  1. A conceptual modeling personalization framework for OLAP

    Journal of Database Management, Vol. 23, Núm. 4, pp. 1-16


  1. Model-driven data mining engineering: From solution-driven implementations to 'composable' conceptual data mining models

    International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, Vol. 3, Núm. 3, pp. 217-251


  1. A Model Driven Framework for Geographic Knowledge Discovery


  2. A UML profile for the conceptual modelling of data-mining with time-series in data warehouses

    Information and Software Technology, Vol. 51, Núm. 6, pp. 977-992

  3. A model driven framework for geographic knowledge discovery

    2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2009


  1. Integrating the development of data mining and data warehouses via model-driven engineering

    ADIS 2008 - Apoyo a la Decision en Ingenieria del Software, Evento Realizado en el Marco de las 13th Jornadas de Ingenieria del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD 2008

  2. Towards a model-driven engineering approach of data mining

    MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Informatics 2008 and Data Mining 2008

  3. Un perfil UML para el análisis de series temporales con modelos conceptuales sobre almacenes de datos

    Memorias de la 11th Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering - CIbSE 2008


  1. A UML 2.0 profile to design Association Rule mining models in the multidimensional conceptual modeling of data warehouses

    Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 63, Núm. 1, pp. 44-62

  2. Integrating clustering data mining into the multidimensional modeling of data warehouses with UML profiles

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  3. Minería de datos con clustering en espacios multidimensionales mediante modelos conceptuales extendiendo UML

    Actas de las XII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos


  1. Conceptual modeling for classification mining in data warehouses

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)