Publikationen (31) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. Analysis of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in Ternary Systems for an Adequate Planning of Their Experimental Determination and Correlation

    Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

  2. Debromination of Waste Circuit Boards by Reaction in Solid and Liquid Phases: Phenomenological Behavior and Kinetics

    Polymers, Vol. 15, Núm. 6

  3. Decontamination of recycled LDPE using different washing methods

    Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 195

  4. Denosumab and Zoledronic Acid Differently Affect Circulating Immune Subsets: A Possible Role in the Onset of MRONJ

    Cells, Vol. 12, Núm. 20

  5. Dissociation Must Be Taken into Account in Raoult’s Law

    Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 100, Núm. 10, pp. 4106-4108

  6. Economic and Environmental Performance of an Integrated CO2 Refinery

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, Vol. 11, Núm. 5, pp. 1949-1961

  7. Effect of Hemp Hurd Biochar and Humic Acid on the Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate

    Polymers, Vol. 15, Núm. 6

  8. Effect of the presence of mesoporous catalysts in the decomposition of 4-(Methylnitrosoamine)-1-(3-Pyrydyl)-1-Butanone under inert and oxidative atmosphere

    Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 355

  9. El reciclado de residuos plásticos como alternativa sostenible a la producción de juguetes

    Revista de plásticos modernos: Ciencia y tecnología de polímeros, Vol. 125, Núm. 785

  10. Evaluation of thermal drying for the recycling of flexible plastics

    Waste Management, Vol. 168, pp. 116-125

  11. Extractive desulfurization of thiophene by tetraethylene glycol at T = 298.15 to 313.15 K and liquid–liquid phase equilibrium study

    Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia), Vol. 58, Núm. 10, pp. 1748-1760

  12. Forced Precipitation Experiments for Study of the Electromagnetic Treatment of Water

    Chemical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 46, Núm. 6, pp. 1156-1162

  13. Holothuria tubulosa as a bioindicator to analyse metal pollution on the coast of Alicante (Spain)

    Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 192

  14. Incorporation of Argan Shell Flour in a Biobased Polypropylene Matrix for the Development of High Environmentally Friendly Composites by Injection Molding

    Polymers, Vol. 15, Núm. 12

  15. Mechanical and Biological Characterization of PMMA/Al2O3 Composites for Dental Implant Abutments

    Polymers, Vol. 15, Núm. 15

  16. Multi-objective simulation–optimization via kriging surrogate models applied to natural gas liquefaction process design

    Energy, Vol. 262

  17. New Empirical Model for the Excess Gibbs Free Energy: Correlation of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium for Island-Type Ternary Systems

    Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 62, Núm. 27, pp. 10619-10628

  18. Nicotine fast pyrolysis under inert and air environments. Effect of catalysts

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 170

  19. Poly-Lactic Acid-Bagasse Based Bio-Composite for Additive Manufacturing

    Polymers, Vol. 15, Núm. 21

  20. Reciclado mecánico de envases de PET multicapa post-consumo

    Revista de plásticos modernos: Ciencia y tecnología de polímeros, Vol. 125, Núm. 790