Publicacions en què col·labora amb TERESA DEL PILAR FERRANDIZ GOMEZ (20)


  1. Surface modifications of thermoplastic styrene-butadiene rubber treated with sulfuric acid

    Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion: Volume 2 (CRC Press), pp. 305-334

  2. Treatment of vulcanized SBR rubber with low-pressure gas plasma using oxygen-nitrogen mixtures

    Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion: Volume 2 (CRC Press), pp. 91-119


  1. Adición de resinas de hidrocarburos a adhesivos de policloropreno

    Adición de resinas de hidrocarburos a adhesivos de policloropreno


  1. Effect of surface modifications of leather on its joint strength with polyvinyl chloride

    Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 8, Núm. 9, pp. 1043-1056