Artículos (15) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A comparison of electrochemical and gas-phase decomposition of methanol on platinum surfaces

    Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 96, Núm. 21, pp. 8509-8516

  2. A simple, reliable and efficient scheme for automatic numerical integration

    Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 70, Núm. 2, pp. 271-284

  3. Adsorption of CO on a Pt(110) surface in a carbonate solution: Voltammetric investigation of the possible (1 × 2) → (1 × 1) structural transformation

    Surface Science, Vol. 278, Núm. 1-2, pp. 33-40

  4. Aplicaciones industriales de la síntesis electroquímica orgánica

    Ingeniería química, Núm. 275, pp. 203-207

  5. Electrochemical behaviour of CO layers formed by solution dosing at open circuit on Pt(111). Voltammetric determination of CO coverages at full hydrogen adsorption blocking in various acid media

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 327, Núm. 1-2, pp. 261-278

  6. Electrochemical behaviour of Pt(100) in various acidic media. Part II. On the relation between the voltammetric profiles induced by anion specific adsorption studied with a transfer technique preserving surface cleanliness and structure

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 338, Núm. 1-2, pp. 317-338

  7. Electrochemical behaviour of Pt(111) in alkaline media. Effect of specific adsorption of anions

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 334, Núm. 1-2, pp. 323-338

  8. Electrochemical behaviour of squaric acid on single-crystal platinum electrodes with basal orientations in aqueous sulphuric acid medium

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 334, Núm. 1-2, pp. 291-307

  9. Electrochemical studies of adsorbed CO on Pt(110) in a carbonate solution: structural surface modification

    Surface Science, Vol. 265, Núm. 1-3, pp. 95-101

  10. Irreversible adsorption of methanol on Pt(110) in carbonate solution

    Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 37, Núm. 10, pp. 1883-1886

  11. Lithium 3-lithio-3-tosylpropanoate: A useful α-tosylated homoenolate anion

    Tetrahedron Letters, Vol. 33, Núm. 28, pp. 4065-4068

  12. Results of the correlation energy functionals versus the wavefunction type

    Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, Vol. 254, Núm. C, pp. 1-11

  13. Study of the charge displacement at constant potential during CO adsorption on Pt(110) and Pt(111) electrodes in contact with a perchloric acid solution

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 330, Núm. 1-2, pp. 489-497

  14. The behaviour of germanium adatoms irreversibly adsorbed on platinum single crystals

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 340, Núm. 1-2, pp. 349-355

  15. Voltammetric study of the electrochemical behaviour of glycolic acid solutions in sulphuric acid on platinum single-crystal electrodes with basal orientations

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 323, Núm. 1-2, pp. 303-318