Publicaciones en las que colabora con Berta Gámez Mejías (5)


  1. Object Kinetic Monte Carlo calculations of irradiated Fe-Cr dilute alloys: The effect of the interaction radius between substitutional Cr and self-interstitial Fe

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms


  1. Influence of self-interstitial mobility on he-vacancy cluster nucleation and growth in nickel

    Fusion Science and Technology, Vol. 56, Núm. 1, pp. 314-317

  2. Object Kinetic Monte Carlo calculations of electron and He irradiation of nickel

    Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 386-388, Núm. C, pp. 90-92


  1. He production and induced swelling in KOYO-F

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series


  1. Advances in materials physics for IFE at DENIM

    Proceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering