Area: Physiology

Research group: Neuroendocrine Physiology (NINE)

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Doctor by the Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante with the thesis Efecto del bloqueo intercelular en la actividad oscilatoria síncrona en sistemas biológicos célula b pancreática 2006. Supervised by Dr. Juan Vicente Sánchez Andrés.

Sergi Soriano Úbeda studied Biology at The University of Valencia. He obtained his PhD at the the University of Alicante (2006). During this period, he received excellent training in the electrophysiology in Islets of Langerhans understanding the mechanisms generating oscillatory pattern in pancreatic beta cells. He held a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Neuroscience- CSIC at the Miguel Hernández University (2006-2008) where he studied the voltage dependent calcium channels and its implications for inflammatory processes. He is a lecturer of Physiology at the University of Alicante and Deputy Vice Chancellor for students. His main scientific interest is focused on the modulation of ion channels activity in excitable cells (pancreatic α- and β-cells) by estrogens and metabolism disrupting chemicals, and their involvement in pathological conditions including diabetes, obesity and gestational diabetes.