Publicacións nas que colabora con DOLORES LOZANO CASTELLO (64)


  1. Electrochemical performance of a superporous activated carbon in ionic liquid-based electrolytes

    Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 336, pp. 419-426

  2. Gas-adsorbing nanoporous carbons

    Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Nanoparticles, Nanocapsules, Nanofibers, Nanoporous Structures, and Nanocomposites (CRC Press), pp. 465-486

  3. Pd/zeolite-based catalysts for the preferential CO oxidation reaction: Ion-exchange, Si/Al and structure effect

    Catalysis Science and Technology, Vol. 6, Núm. 8, pp. 2623-2632

  4. Silica-templated ordered mesoporous carbon thin films as electrodes for micro-capacitors

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 4, Núm. 12, pp. 4570-4579