Supervised Theses (2)

  1. Population Synthesis of isolated Neutron Stars 2015

    Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante

    Gullón Juanes, Miguel

  2. Magnetic fields in neutron stars 2013

    Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante

    Viganò, Daniele

Theses Committees (5)

  1. Chair of the Committee

    Dynamics in the magnetospheres of compact objects 2020

    Universitat de València

    Mahlmann, Jens Florian

  2. Committee Member

    Coalescence of Exotic Compact Objects in the new era of gravitational wave astronomy 2019

    Universitat de les Illes Balears

    Bezares Figueroa, Miguel Angel Andres

  3. Chair of the Committee

    Numerical resistive relativistic magnetohydrodynamics 2018

    Universitat de València

    Miranda Aranguren, Sergio

  4. Committee Member

    Towards a gauge polyvalent numerical relativity code: Numerical methods, boundary conditions and di erent formulations 2011

    Universitat de les Illes Balears

    Bona Casas, Carles

  5. Committee Member

    Gravitational wave radiation from single and binary white dwarfs 2009

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)