Publications (130) JUAN ANTONIO LABARTA REYES publications



  1. Efficient use of energy in distillation: Advancing towards the electrification of the chemical industry

    Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Elsevier B.V.), pp. 103-108

  2. From power to heat: Strategies for electrifying distillation for sustainable chemical processes

    Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 257

  3. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Helping the Thermodynamic Analysis of Phase Equilibrium Data Correlation Results

    VII Congreso de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Química (CIDIQ 2024). Área temática: T3. Herramientas informáticas en la formación/enseñanza en Ingeniería Química (#40)

  4. Optimal Design of Heat Pump Assisted Distillation Sequences

    Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 53, pp. 1255-1260


  1. Efficient use of energy in distillation sequences

    Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Elsevier B.V.), pp. 1927-1932

  2. Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data Correlation: Predicting a robust and consistent set of initial NRTL parameters

    Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Elsevier B.V.), pp. 3459-3464