Publications (166) PATRICIO MANUEL MARTINEZ BARCO publications


  1. EmoLabel: Semi-Automatic Methodology for Emotion Annotation of Social Media Text

    IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 13, Núm. 2, pp. 579-591

  2. LIVING-LANG: Living digital entities by human language technologies

    CEUR Workshop Proceedings

  3. LIVING-LANG: Living digital entities by human languagetechnologies

    SEPLN-PD 2022: Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2022: Projects and Demonstrations (CEUR Workshop Proceedings), pp. 5-9

  4. Why are some social-media contents more popular than others? Opinion and association rules mining applied to virality patterns discovery

    Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 197


  1. Fighting post-truth using natural language processing: A review and open challenges

    Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 141

  2. Intensional learning to efficiently build up automatically annotated emotion corpora

    IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 335-347

  3. Preface

    CEUR Workshop Proceedings


  1. GPLSI at TREC 2019 Incident Streams Track

    28th Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2019 - Proceedings