Proyecto Tetuán como espacio de aprendizajeInvestigación y docencia en Conservación del Patrimonio Edificado
- Lorenzo Jurina 1
- Carlo Manfredi 2
- Carmen Campra García de Viguera 3
- Antonio Jiménez-Delgado 3
Polytechnic University of Milan
- 2 Ministero della Cultura
Universitat d'Alacant
- Cos-Gayon López, Fernando (ed. lit.)
- Gandía Romero, José Manuel (ed. lit.)
Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València
ISBN: 978-84-9048-409-8
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 643-651
Congress: EDIFÍCATE (1. 2021. Valencia)
Type: Conference paper
Tetouan Project forms a research and teaching strategy in the field ofConservation of Built Heritage. The physical space of the project iscontextualized in the Medina declared in 1997 world heritage by UNESCOthat together withthe Muslim Cemetery and the Spanish Ensanche drawsome of the most beautiful and best preserved landscapes in Morocco.The project "designs" a series of activities and "develops" them in the spaceof the Historic Center with the aim of combining the fieldwork of the researchgroup AEDIFICATIO and the teaching of different subjects with undergraduatestudents in Technical Architecture.