Allegro ma non troppoLa concepción institucional de la participación de las personas mayores. Un desafío para el MAICP

  1. Clarisa Ramos-Feijóo 1
  2. Francisco Francés-García. 1
  1. 1 Departamento Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales. Universidad de Alicante
Actas de coordinación sociosanitaria

ISSN: 2529-8240

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakia: 33

Orrialdeak: 40-57

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Actas de coordinación sociosanitaria


The growing demand for participatory instruments in the development of public policies focused on older people, as defined by the comprehensive and person-centred care model (hereinafter MAICP), motivates the interest in carrying out a comparative study of different regulations, referring to the group of older people at the regional, local and state levels. To this end, the objective is to examine the meaning given to the participation of older people by the organizations responsible for the planning and implementation of public policies aimed at this population. To do this, the research analyzed a sample of 17 documents from the local, provincial, regional and state levels over twenty years, which were selected for their express mention of the principle of participation. The objective is approached from complementary lines of analysis, where first of all the homogenization of older people is addressed in the institutional conception, which defines them as a uniform group, making their diversity invisible. A second analysis of public regulations investigates the stereotypes about the participation of older people from which strategies aimed at this population are established. Thirdly, we work on institutional discourses in relation to the social integration of older people, including the analysis of the place from which public policies linked to older people are thought, understanding participation as a segregated space for them. The results detailed in the article show that, in the case of opting for models that seek to give greater prominence to older people, there is a wide margin for improvement in the institutional conception that public regulations have of the social and citizen participation of this population.

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