La enseñanza de lenguas en tiempos inciertos. Una invitación a reflexionar sobre la formación del profesorado desde una Lingüística Aplicada transdisciplinar

  1. Rodríguez-Lifante, Alberto 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


La enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en el siglo XXI: Desafíos y estrategias
  1. Magdalena Adamczyk (coord.)
  2. Ana Garrido González (coord.)
  3. Marta Piłat Zuzankiewicz (coord.)
  4. Martin Testa (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Varsovia. Instituto de Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos ; Museo de Historia del Movimiento Campesino Polaco

ISBN: 978-83-66901-21-6 978-83-66901-24-7 978-83-7901-342-5

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 163-181

Type: Book chapter


The role of languages in the global context is closely related to their teaching. However, there are substantial differences between languages and contexts, as well as between the training that teaching professionals acquire according to different academic traditions. Some of the issues that affect teacher education have been addressed by the field of applied linguistics, but there are still discrepancies between the needs of the profession and the theoretical and methodological perspectives addressed by the discipline. This paper aims (i) to reflect on the challenges of language teacher training in the current global situation, on the one hand, and (ii) to address some theoretical, methodological and ethical implications involved in this formative process, on the other. For this purpose, from a transdisciplinary approach through a critical and reflexive lens we outline a response to the needs and concerns that at this time and the next few years will emerge in language teachers training.

Funding information

Este trabajo se ha realizado gracias al Proyecto FFI2017-83166-C2-1-R, financiado por FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Asimismo, se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de los grupos de investigación AcqUA (Adquisición y enseñanza de segundas lenguas y lenguas extranjeras de la Universidad de Alicante) y del Grupo de Inve- stigación Reconocido “Lenguas europeas: Enseñanza/aprendizaje, pragmática intercultural e identidad lingüística” de la Universidad de Valladolid.


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