Del beneficio al derechoLa nueva regulación de la exoneración del pasivo insatisfecho sometida al examen del tribunal de justicia de la unión europea.
ISSN: 2605-3055
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 3
Orrialdeak: 37-44
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Derecho Privado: Boletín de derecho Privado de la asociación Judicial Francisco de vitoria
The entry into force of the modifications operated by the law 16/2022 september 5th, has bringed several preliminary questions, that raise to the court of justice of the european union if the option of the national legislator is really compatible with the law of the european union. We follow the section 8ª preliminary questions of the provincial court of alicante, which on the basis of the previous regulation, approved during the transposition period, had raised whether the rule adopted during that period, could put into serious risk the purpose provided by the community law