Estrategias BIM para la elaboración de un proyecto de rehabilitación: el caso de estudio de la RPMD de Carlet

  1. Antonio Galiano-Garrigós
  2. Marina Patón-Ballester
  3. Francisco Marco-Peñas
EUBIM 2024. Congreso internacional BIM: 13º encuentro de usuarios BIM
  1. Fuentes Giner, Begoña (dir. congr.)
  2. Oliver Faubel, Inmaculada (dir. congr.)

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-1396-269-6

Year of publication: 2024

Pages: 115-126

Type: Book chapter


This research describes the strategies developed for the refurbishment project of the RPDM of Carlet from the Conselleria de Igualdad de la Generalitat Valenciana. It is a 32,000 m2 building in which different solutions are developed for the automation of restoration specific processes and to guarantee an appropriate quality level and work coordination. In this experience, specific strategies are developed to define construction damages and propose repairs. At the same time, strategies are proposed to organize the budget considering the large number of phases into which the project was divided. On the other hand, an energy audit is also carried out in which the BIM model becomes the central repository of all the necessary information.The size of the building and the large amount of information to be generated confirms that the use of BIM tools has generated added value, leading to the conclusion that without these tools it would not have been possible to successfully complete the work.